Sunday, August 3, 2008

movie in the park

every saturday night in the big park they put up a giant movie screen and play a movie. L9+ast night was enchanted. Unfortunatley it got canceled because it was to windy. We got there and there was nothing to do but swim and play at the park. We didnt have our swim suits so we deided to play at the park! While ellie and tate where off playing and my dad was talking to his friends from work, me and my mom where intro duced by my dads work friend to his wife and her friends. They where a little bit dorky but they were nice and thats all that matters! Right?So it turned out an okay night after all!


kkb said...

too bad it got rained out! i'm glad you had fun over at the families house today. you need to post pics... i hear your pretty tan!!! plus, i miss your beautiful face :)

lexie said...

i'll try to post more single photos of my self!lol!